Manager 101
Being a Manager
The manager is one of the most important roles for teams in HYHA. As a manager your job is keep the team updated on news & information and to help make the season run. A general overview of the duties of the team manager are shown here.

Provide steady flow of information to the team about weekly practices, games, upcoming tournaments, other events. This can be done over email and/or group text messaging. Check out our Crossbar walkthrough here.
Scoresheets & Roster Labels
Manage score sheets & rosters labels, including making the team roster labels to be used for scoresheet (4 per game), collecting the scoresheets after games and keeping them for the year, & submitting scoresheets to the CHC representative

Home Games
Arrange for people to run the clock and fill out scoresheet for all home games
Register team, make payment(s), arrange hotel blocks, team building events, make swag bags/door hangers, collect signed releases, provide USA hockey roster/labels to the tournament director.

Conduct team fundraising if your team desires to do that. This should be done in conjunction with the HYHA Director of Fundraising