Player Pictures
HYHA player pictures are now available!
Payment can be made by Venmo: @gwpsports
Notes from our photographer:
-Please read in full and contact the photographer with any additional questions.
-The fee was for the digital files, please use the download icon on each photo to save. Selecting the shopping cart/bag icon will give you the option to purchase prints/magnets directly from the site, but you are welcome to take them wherever you wish to have printed.
-If your photos are missing, I could not match them up to a payment. You can still purchase by sending $50 via Venmo to @woodgoalie35 and they will be added to the link asap. If you do not have Venmo, click on any photo in the gallery, use the shopping cart/bag icon and select "Fee Payment" then send me an email with your order number and I will add the photos to the link.
-Team photos take a little longer to create and will be added to the links soon.